National Arboretum Canberra

National Arboretum Canberra

The National Arboretum Canberra is a mosaic of living forests and gardens offering breathtaking views, unique experiences, and a world-class entertainment and events hub including the award-winning Margaret Whitlam Pavilion, the popular Village Centre and the National Bonsai and Penjing Collection of Australia. With over 44,000 rare and endangered trees across a 250-hectare site, the Arboretum is a place of beauty, conservation, scientific research, education, tourism and recreation.

Defined gardens and event spaces are surrounded by the forests. With the provision of services, pavilion shelters and toilets these spaces have the potential to be booked for a wide range of events, as well as providing opportunities for themed gardens, sponsored plantings and temporary exhibits, performances, artworks and garden designs. The 1400m long Central Valley forms a focal clearing at the centre of the site, with a sculpted series of terraces linked by a cascading stream and a fully-accessible pathway.

Be sure to check out the website before you visit to help plan your visit or to book into the many upcoming walks, tours and events.

Also check out the Arboretum Kite Fest happening on the 12th of Feb.

Location: National Arboretum Canberra, Forest Drive, Molonglo Valley ACT, Australia

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